Openness and honesty when things go wrong: the professional duty of candour (GMC guideline)Hannah Jacob, Joseph Raine21 March 2016
Depression in children and young people: identification and management in primary, community and secondary care (NICE guideline CG28)Andrew Lawton, Omer S Moghraby12 October 2015
The diagnosis of death by neurological criteria in infants less than 2 months old: RCPCH guideline 2015Dilshad Marikar9 March 2016
Junior MARSIPAN (Management of Really Sick Patients with Anorexia Nervosa)Dilshad Marikar, Sarah Reynolds, Omer S Moghraby25 September 2015
Postnatal care: a neonatal perspective (NICE guideline CG 37)Nicola Holme, Leah Boullier, Catherine Harrison5 November 2015
Guidelines for diagnosing and managing paediatric concussion: Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation guidelineSakura Hingley, James Ross21 August 2015
Idiopathic constipation in children clinical practice guidelinesSiba Prosad Paul, Samuel Robin Broad, Christine Spray14 August 2015