UK recommendations for combating antimicrobial resistance: a review of ‘antimicrobial stewardship: systems and processes for effective antimicrobial medicine use’ (NICE guideline NG15, 2015) and related guidanceGabriella L Morley, Ian D Wacogne
9 August 2017
Intravenous fluid therapy in children and young people in hospital N29Jessica Green, Jonathan Lillie
7 August 2017
Prevention and management of procedural pain in the neonate: an update, American Academy of Pediatrics, 2016Yinru Lim, Sunit Godambe
19 July 2017
Jaundice in newborn babies under 28 days: NICE guideline 2016 (CG98)Rachel C Amos, Hannah Jacob, Wynne Leith
8 February 2017
Tuberculosis (NICE clinical guideline 33)Louise Turnbull, Christine Bell, Fran Child
14 December 2016
Obesity in children: recent NICE guidanceAnitha Kumaran, Sophia Sakka, Renuka P Dias
7 November 2016
NICE clinical guideline NG39: Major trauma: assessment and initial managementAnand Nitin Kanani, Stuart Hartshorn
28 September 2016
Challenging behaviour and learning disabilities: prevention and interventions for children with learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges: NICE guideline 2015Manjari Tanwar, Benjamin Lloyd, Priscilla Julies
5 October 2016
British guideline on the management of asthma: SIGN Clinical Guideline 141, 2014David R James, Mark D Lyttle
20 May 2016
Drug allergy: diagnosis and management of drug allergy in adults, children and young people; a look at NICE guidanceH A S Sadreddini, E S Starkey
23 February 2016